Do I need a medical certificate for diving in Bali?
For Bali not neccessary, but still very recommendable! Which examinations are recommended?
Diving medical examination
Before your Bali holiday you should have a medical examination to check if you are ready for diving, besides the usual vaccinations. This serves your personal health and improves your safety!
The guidelines for the examination as well as doctors near you can be found on the website of the GTÜM (Gesellschaft für Tauch- und Überdruckmedizin). For the examination please bring the form "Ärztliches Zeugnis: Tauglichkeit für das Sporttauchen" with you. You can download it down below this page.
The medical certificate is only needed for our dive courses if you answer one or more questions in the "Declaration of Helath Status" with YES or if you are older than 44 years. If you do not have any health restriction then you do not need the medical certificate. You find the declaration of your health status in German and English for download below on this page (PDF).
Hint: if you go and see your doctor, have your ears cleaned professionally. This way you can prevent problems during pressure equalization.
You can get a medical certificate also on short notice in Bali. Just ask us!
If you have serious medical ENT-issues we can recommend a very good physician in Germany: PD Dr. med. Christoph Klingmann
Form for download here: