PADI Dive Training & Dive courses Bali


PADI Dive Center S-26176

Our trainings cover the whole range from Beginners to Dive Master according to PADI standards. Our german-speaking dive instructors have many years of experience - also in teaching diving to children and teenagers. We always teach in very small groups. Your success in learning and safety are always in our centre of attention.

All PADI dive courses in Bali are available in German and English.
If you want give a dive course with us to somebody as a present, just contact us and we can give you a gift coupon.

We do courses even when only one person shows up. So you can start your training almost any day. Just call us, come along or ask us for your personal dive training before starting your trip!

The PADI Dive Training Concept at a glance:

The following graphic of the PADI Dive Training Concept shows you in which order you can graduate from Beginner to Pro-Diver. Always the right training for you!

Dive Course for Starters / Beginner (no experience)

Dive Courses for Divers (some experienced and trained divers)

PADI Training Concept
PADI Training Concept

PADI Dive courses Bali

Our PADI Dive Courses in Bali offer the right one for you from Beginner to highly-qualified Dive Master. Know all about it right below or just ask us here. We love to get you well-informed!

Discover Scuba Diving [DSD] Trial Dive

Discover Scuba Diving [DSD]

Trial Diving in Bali

Discover a new world underwater, with Trial Dive

  • Do you want to know how it feels to breath underwater?
  • You feel the desire to explore a new, exciting world?

Then our Trial Dive, the PADI Scuba Diving Trial Course, is the right thing for you. Without booking an entire course, you can find out if diving is fun for you and if you feel comfortable with it.


Accompanied by one of our experienced PADI Dive Masters or PADI Dive Teachers you learn everything neccessary about how to use the dive equipment in shallow water, acquire basic dive skills and get a short and simple introduction how to explore the underwater world safely.

In our Trial Dive Course in Bali you

  1. learn the safe handling and how to equip your equipment correctly.
  2. find out how breathing under water feels like.
  3. are being taught basic skills and safety rules.

Dive Equipment

The complete rental dive equipment you need is included in the Discover Scuba Diving programme.

Prerequisites for Participation

Minimum age: 10 year

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.

Open Water Diver [OWD] Beginner Dive Course

Open Water Diver [OWD]

Become a certified Diver! Learn how to dive with our PADI Open Water Course.

Beginners Dive Course: Duration 3 days

Get your PADI Dive Certificate. If you always wanted to learn how to dive, if you are looking for new adventures and want to get to know the marvelous underwater world: your dive adventure starts here! The PADI Open Water Course is the best-known Dive Course world wide and has introduced the adventure-rich diving experience to millions of people.

The fun factor

The fun part in this course is ... well, pretty much everything, because learning how to dive is just awesome. You will breath underwater for the first time (you will never ever forget this) and learn everything necessary to become a diver with an international certificate. During this course you will complete at least five modules (diving in our pool) under supervision of one of our PADI dive instructors and four dive sessions only on the most beautiful and easy dive sites in Bali, like the Blue Lagoon.


  • You learn how much fun diving can be
  • the right diving gear for the dive site
  • planning and execution of dive sessions
  • prevention and handling of problems

The PADI Open Water Diver Course is composed of three segments:

  • Theory (at home and/or in our teaching room) to understand the basics of Scuba diving
  • Dive sessions in our pool to train the basic skills for diving
  • Dive sessions in open water to repeat the training and to explore the underwater world!

If you have already tried diving in a Scuba Diving Program and it took place within the last year, you could get one dive sessions recognized for the PADI Open Water Diver Course. We do not recommend this though. The more experience you gather, the better. By the way, it is not fun to stay dry while the others are having their dive sessions.

Your diving equipment

In the PADI Open Water Diver Course you learn to handle your basic diving equipment, including a diving computer and basic accessoires. We will lend you the correct diving equipment.

You need the following learning material

To participate in the Open Water Diver Course we will lend you a PADI textbook. You can also buy one in advance or right here from us.

The PADI Open Water Diver courseware cover all basic knowledge about Scuba-diving as well as terminology and safety precautions. For every teaching and learning content there is a chapter in the textbook and a corresponding video in which the excercise is demontrated. After this you practice the exercise in the swimming pool (or any water with pool-like conditions) with your dive instructor. Later, as certified diver, you use the courseware as reference book to prepare further dive adventures and for repetition.

Diving equipment for rent

The whole diving equipment you need is available for rent in our Open Water Diving Program. Same is for diving mask, flippers, sock liner and snorkle = called ABC-equipment.

Prerequisites for participation

To sign up for the PADI Open Water Diver Course or Junior Open Water Diver Course you

  • have to be at least 10 years of age.

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.

Advanced Open Water Diver [AOWD]

Advanced Open Water Diver [AOWD]

Explore exciting things, that is what PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course is all about. And no, you do not have to be "advanced" to participate in this course - the course can be done right after you have completed the PADI Open Water Diver Course.

The Advanced Open Water Diver Course will improve your skills and build up your self-confidence underwater.

This is the best way to make dive sessions and to learn under surveillance of a PADI Dive instructor.

The course starts where the last course ended and helps you to gather knowledge and experience by showing you new activities and dive sites underwater. You will complete five Adventure Dives teaching you:

  • Underwater navigation
  • Deep Dive (between 18-30 metres)
  • three more Adventure Dives of your choice

The fun factor: your choice

You will love the Advanced Open Water Diver Course also because together with your Dive Instructor you have the choice between 15 different Adventure Dives to complete your course. You have many choices like Digital Underwater Photography, Wreck Diving, Night Diving, Buoyancy in perfection and many more.

  • Let your dive session be credited! Every Adventure Dive from the PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course can account as first dive session for the corresponding PADI Specialty Course.


Most knowledge and the skills you learn in the Advanced Open Water Diver Course depend on your interests and your lust for adventure. The basic lore from this course is:

  • practical knowledge about Deep Diving
  • physiological effects of Deep Diving
  • different ways to use your underwater compass
  • how to navigate with the number of the flaps of the fins, passing time and visual orientation
  • how to use the dive computer and electronic Recreational Dive PlannerTM (eRDPTM)
  • and much, much more depending on your choice of dive sessions

Your diving equipment

You will make use of your whole basic dive equipment, including your underwater compass. Depending on the three Adventure Dive Sessions of your choice you might try the equipment for underwater photography, a dive light, a dry suit, lifting bag, a dive flag/float or other special equipment.


You need the following Learning Materials

The PADI Adventures in Diving Manual and the DVD contain the information of more than 16 specialty courses. You will use this material as reference to sharpen your diving skills and to prepare you for new experience and adventures.

Are you curious about Night Dive? Check out the chapter about Night Dive! After you have watched the trailer showing the necessary skills your Dive Instructor will accompany you during your first Night Dive. Got any issues with underwater navigation? Check again the chapter about underwater navigation and sign up for the Adventure Dive Navigation Course at you PADI dive instructor.

All learning material is available from our association.


Participation requirements

To participate in this course, you have to be:

  • a PADI Open Water Diver (or need to have an equivalent certificate of a different organization)
  • at least 15 years old (12 years for the Junior Advanced Open Water Diver)

Rental Diving Equipment

The whole rental diving euqipment yo need is included in the Advanced Open Water Diver Program.

Your next Diving Adventure

There are many exciting PADI Special Courses waiting for you. Improve your special skills!

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.

Rescue Diver [RD]

Rescue Diver [RD]

You can describe the PADI Rescue Diver Course best as a "rewarding challenge". This course bases on what you have already learned and extends your knowledge. You learn more about problem identification and problem solving, how to avoid problems and how to handle them.

The fun factor

The exciting part of this course is to accept new challenges, to master them and to grow with them. Most divers find this course as challenging as well as rewarding and reqort that this is the best course they ever participated in.

Learning Content

  • Self rescue
  • Identification of stress on others and correct behaviour
  • Emergency management and required equipment
  • Rescue of divers in panic
  • Rescue of non-responding divers

Your Diving Equipment

You use the whole basic diving equipment, a dive computer, a compass and accessoires. We can lend you the equipment.

You need the following learning equipment

The PADI Rescue Diver Kit contains all required material, to complete a PADI Rescue Diver Course successfully - including a diving mask. You will learn how to think like a Rescue Diver and to overlook the exercises you can do with your PADI Dive Instructor. When you have completed the Rescue Diver Course you can watch the DVD again to refresh your knowledge about Rescue Diving. This little package of knowledge and technique will help you to master most emergency situations.

You can get the learning material through our association.

Participation requirements

To sign up for the Rescue Diver Course you need to:

  • be 12 years of age or older
  • have a PADI Adventure Dive Certificate (or an equivalent certificate of a different organisation)
  • have completed a First Aid Course with HLW within the last two years (ask your Dive Instructor about the courses for Emergency First Response, HLW and First Aid)

Your next Dive Adventure

After completing the courses in HLW, First Aid and the PADI Rescue Diver you should continue with the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Course. Together these courses enable you to deal correctly with emergency situations when diving.

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.


Master Scuba Diver [MSD]

Master Scuba Diver [MSD]

Bring your Diving Skills to perfection with a degree in PADI Master Scuba Diver

Your have the passion. You want to be amoung the best of the best in scuba diving. You make diving to your style of living, discover the underwater world, visit many places and see things you have never seen before.

More than just a dream?

Here we go! Make your dream real by becoming PADI Master Scuba Diver - a degree with special qualifications: it is your ticket to limitless adventures and possibilities. Stick out of the crowd with your experience and degree as PADI Master Scuba Diver.

The fun factor

With the PADI Master Scuba Diver you have reached the highest non-professional level in the PADI Diver Training System. This means that you can offer an extensive education and dive experience in different dive environments. Learn more about the offered Specialty Courses.

Prerequisites for participations

  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or an equivalent brevet of a different organization)
  • PADI Rescue Diver or Junior Rescue Diver (or an equivalent brevet of a different organization)
  • Minimum age: 12 years
  • Minimum five PADI Specialty Diver Courses
  • Minimum 50 dive sessions in your diver logbook

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.

Dive Master [DM]

Dive Master [DM]

The beginning of your dive adventure as a professional diver ist the PADI Dive Master Program. In a close teamwork with a PADI Dive Instructor this program expands your diving knowledge and sharpens your skills on a professional level. In the training for the PADI Dive Master your leadership skills will be challenged and you learn to supervise dive activity and to support the Dive Instructors in the work with dive trainees.

During the PADI Dive Master Program you learn leadership skills in the class room and in self-study. You complete trainings in water skills and for your stamina as well as training excercises that improve your organizational skills and problem-solving abilities. You will then apply these skills during an internship or in a series of training excercises.


  • PADI Advanced Open Water Diver (or an equivalent brevet of a different dive training organization),
  • PADI Rescue Diver (or an equivalent brevet of a different dive training organization),
  • 20 dive sessions in your logbook,
  • 18 years old

You find the prices for our Dive Courses in our price list.

PADI Specialty Courses Bali

Become a specialist. The PADI Specialty Courses in Bali will bring your dive skills  to perfection in a very special area of expertise. If you want new adventures in Bali or use equipment that you have not gotten to know during the PADI dive courses, the specialty courses are the right challenges for you.

Night Diver [ND]

Night Diver [ND]

At sunset you suit up your diving gear, put on your diving mask and take the regulator between your teeth. A deep breath and a big step from the boat - into the night under water. You have seen this reef often, but now you are in a whole new world and see the reef coming to new life in the light cone of your lamp.

The adventure, the thrill and the excitement of night diving can be yours if you book the PADI Night Diver Specialty Course. You learn how the plan night dives, what equipment you need and how to navigate. Then you practice during three night dives, also getting to know the creatures you can only when the sun has set.


  • you have to be a PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver (or have an equivalent certificate of a different dive association) and must be at least 12 years old
  • number of confirmed dives: 3
  • dive lamp and other equipment for night diving
  • entering and exiting and navigation at night
  • the underwater life at night
  • communication with and handling of lights
  • this course can count for the qualification as PADI Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Deep Diver [DD]

Deep Diver [DD]

The Deep Diver Specialty Course is the chance of your life - to dive into the deep and see things other people can only dream of.

In this course you will experience the world beyond the depth of 18 m. Down there it is different. You need advanced training for it. And here is where you get it.


  • you have to be a PADI Adventure Diver (or must have an equivalent certificate of a different dive association) and must be alt least 15 years old)
  • learn something ybout planning, organisation, handling, techniques, problems and dangers of deep diving
  • four dive sessions in open water, in depths from 18 to 40 m
  • gather experience under the direct professional supervision of a PADI Instructor
  • this course can count for your PADI Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Dry Suit Diver [DSD]

Dry Suit Diver [DSD]

You want to stay warm and dry during your dive sessions? Ok, just stay outside the water! What, outside the water? Yes! Contrairy to a wet dive suit a dry suit keeps the water away from your skin. In the PADI Dry Suit Diver Specialty Course you learn how to dive with a Dry Dive Suit. And it keeps you warm, even in very cold water!


  • you have to be a PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water (or have an equivalent certificate of a different diving association) and must be at least 10 years old
  • techniques to put on and put off your own dry suit
  • skills to tare in a dry dive
  • maintenance of the suits, tips for storage
  • possible underwear (fleece or overalls)
  • the PADI Dry Suit Diver Course can count for your Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Taring in Perfection [TIP]

Taring in Perfection [TIP]

Float effortlessly and let yourself drift over the reefs. Become a diver with the ultimate control over your taring and just float closely over the ground, while you observe the marine life without touching anything.

The skill to tare makes the difference between a good diver and a great diver. In the Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Course you learn how to tare best to have best control, best position and balance. You learn to descend and ascend effortlessly simple. Because you lower your water resistance you move elegant and easily through the water. You swim very close to sensitive habitats without damaging them our yourself.


  • You must be a PADI Open Water Diver or Junior Open Water Diver (or must have an equivalent certificate of a different divers association) and must be at least 10 years old
  • Number of Dive Sessions: 2
  • Basics of taring and the neccessary lead, required adaption
  • Techniques to reduce your water resistance, balance and distribution of weights
  • Fine tuning of the tare control and free floating
  • This course can count for your PADI Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Enriched Air Diver [Nitrox EANx]

Enriched Air Diver [Nitrox EANx]

Welcome to one of the most popular Specialty Course of PADI - the Enriched Air Diver Course. When diving with oxygen-enriched air (nitrox) you can extend your bottom time beyond the limit of what you normally need for decompression. Diving with enriched air means more time for staying underwater - but to get tanks with nitrox you need to have the certificate of the Eniched Air Diver.

Whether you are an underwater photographer or like to dive in wrecks, spend your holidays diving in a tropical paradise or just spent a quiet dive day in the dive site near you: the PADI Enriched Air Diver Course helps you to make more from your diving by giving you more bottom time.


  • You have to be a PADI Open Water Diver (or need an equivalent dive certificate of another diving association)
  • Learn how to test the content of your tank for the gas inside
  • Extend your bottom time without decompression
  • The PADI Enriched Air Diver can count for your Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Underwater Navigator [UWN]

Underwater Navigator [UWN]

Be the diver other want to follow and develop a legendary sense of orientation with the PADI Underwater Navigator Specialty Course. Your dive partners have great fun searching a reef or a wreck and swim around excited - until it is time to get back to the boat. Then they turn to you because they know that you, as a PADI Underwater Navigator, know the way back to the boat.

Underwater Navigation is a challenge, a challenge you learn to master in the PADI Underwater Navigator Course. You learn the tricks like navigation with natural landmarks or with the compass. You learn to estimate distances underwater, to follow navigation patterns and to know where you are with the help of the nav-finder, despite the fact that your route was not straight.


  • You have to be a PADI Open Water Diver (or need an equivalent dive certificate of another diving association)
  • Number of dive sessions: 3
  • Navigation patterns, techniques for natural navigation and navigation with the compass
  • How to follow irregular routes with the help of the Nav-Finder
  • Retrieving of a dive site
  • This courses can count for your Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Wreck Diver [WD]

Wreck Diver [WD]

You float into the depth and dive through a window into the past. You sink further towards the ground and slowly a shape forms. First you only see a straigth edge, then a round window. Next the whole ship slowly appears in front of you. Here the past and the present meet.

No matter why the wrecks were sunk, if on purpose or in tragedy, no mater if its ships, planes or cars, the call of the wrecks is irresistable for divers. In the PADI Wreck Diver Specialty Course you get the required skills, the knowledge and the procedures to follow this call safely.


  • You need to be a PADI Adventure Diver (or need an equivalent certificate of a different divers association) and must be at least 15 years old
  • Number of dive sessions: four dive sessions in two days
  • This course can count for your PADI Master Scuba Diver

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Emergency First Response [EFR]

Emergency First Response [EFR]

In the course Emergency First Response Primary Care (first aid) the participants learn to take action correctly in life-threatening situations. The main topic in this course is to deliver first aid to patients by getting the knowledge, developing the skills and practicing them in realistic scenarios. This way the participants have enough self-confidence to actually give first aid in case of emergency.

First Aid Skills learned in this course are:

  • assessment of the emergency situation
  • general precautions - protection from transmittable diseases including the use of protection materials
  • first examination
  • artificial respiration
  • giving cardiopulmonary resusciation to an adult
  • how to handle attacks of suffocation on conscious and unconscious persons
  • treatment of dangerous bleeding
  • shock-treatment
  • how to proceed with spinal injuries

Emergency First Response Secondary Care (Second Aid)

The course Emergency First Response Secondary Care (second aid) is about injuries and diseases that are not directly life-threatening. The participants learn to perform the secondary care by getting the knowledge, learning the skills and practicing them in realistic situations.

In this course you learn the following skills for the secondary care:

  • examination for injuries
  • examination for diseases
  • application of bandages
  • splinting of luxations and fractures

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

Emergency Oxygen Provider [EOP]

Emergency Oxygen Provider [EOP]

In this Specialty Course the participants get the skills and the required self-confidence to give oxygen during a dive accident.

Though this course is destined for divers, it requires no prerequisites, nor does it contain dive sessions. So it is also suited for everybody who is dealing with divers (e.g. the crew on a boat, non-diving partners or supervisors at the shore).

It is recommended to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation, though it is not neccessary to pass this course.

This course supplements, amoung other courses, the PADI Rescue Diver Course and the Emergency First Response Course.

You find the prices for our Dive Courses on our price list.

PADI Junior Dive Training

We train children that are at least 6 years old. Use the PADI SASY to gather first experience in the water. At the age of 8 years the PADI Bubblemaker course is a good start. For every age we have the right training. Ask us about the right training for you and your children.

Hint: the required equipment comes from us and is included in all dive courses. This way you can rely on properly maintained and controlled equipment, so you can enjoy your dive sessions to the fullest.